8 Ways To Wreck Your Resume - Templates

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8 Ways To Wreck Your Resume June 30, 2021

Putting together a high-quality resume is vital to getting the job you want and beating the competition. But if you commit any errors on your resume, yours could end up in the circular file, as you’ll see in the examples below. 

Fortunately, there are plentiful outstanding resume templates available that make it relatively easy to assemble an impressive and error-free resume!

Grammatical Mistakes and Typos

Let’s face it: You can have the most incredible work history and a terrific resume layout … but if there are typos and grammatical errors in the mix, your resume will head straight for the trash. 

Simple and obvious errors tell your readers that you don’t pay attention to details or simply don’t have enough interest to take the trouble to perfect your work. Neither attribute will land you an interview.

So you need to spend as much time as necessary to ensure there are no mistakes on your resume. That thing they say about first impressions? It’s true: You get only one shot. 

Poorly Written or Vague Objective

Is an objective statement out of style? Some say it is. But if you write this one with care, it can help you.

Something like “Searching for a challenging marketing position with an opportunity for growth,” will not impress many people, however.

As you craft your objective statement, come up with some specifics an employer can sink their teeth into. Also, write something that directly meets the needs they have raised in the job posting. 
For example, you might say, “Searching for a mid-level management sales position where I can use my skills to improve quarterly sales.” 

Irrelevant Work Experience

It’s essential to tailor the resume toward the position for which you’re applying. This takes more time, obviously, but the closer you can sound to what that potential employer wants for the position, the more likely you’ll get an interview and possibly even hired.

So make sure you don’t include job experience that isn’t related to that job. If some of your previous jobs don’t appear to be relevant, try to think about posting accomplishments and skills that are.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a programming position at a company that prefers people with a background in finance. But your expertise is in manufacturing.

You could still apply, but highlight your programming skills and what you accomplished in your work-related roles. 

On a related note, make sure you don’t include skills that have nothing to do with the job. It won’t matter that you have incredible Python programming skills if you’re applying for a sales management position.

Strange Design

It’s tempting to go with a visually arresting resume. But unless you’re applying for a design-related position, a non-standard format will stand out in the wrong way. 

Keep in mind that when the employer takes that first look over a resume, he or she wants to gauge your skills and experience. Don’t distract the person from that.

Using the Same Resume for All Applications

Most employers recognize that you are probably having to apply for many jobs before you land an interview. But it’s almost always evident if you haven’t taken the time to tailor your resume for the particular job posting.

Many resume template providers make it easy to create a dozen or more versions of your resume, as well as a unique cover letter that emphasizes differing skill sets.

Telling, Not Showing

You may have heard this one before, but it still happens far too often, according to some career coaches. One of the most frequent errors committed in mediocre resumes is when the job seeker resorts to using sexy buzzwords in the content, such as:

  • Teamwork
  • Passionate
  • Successfully
  • Hard worker
  • Expert
  • Problem-solving
  • Proactive
  • Best of breed
  • Results-oriented
  • Strategic

Neglecting Social Media Links

Technology has come a long way in just a few years. But many job-seekers are stuck in 2000 and present the resume by itself.
Remind yourself that the world is connected today as never before, through many familiar social media channels, such as Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. You can greatly improve your resume by including links to relevant social media sites.

Instead of adding your physical address, paste your Linkedin hyperlink. When you include your online profile, the recruiter will see your references and skill endorsements right away.

Too Much Information

Of course, you’ll want to “wow” the hiring manager, but don’t assume that happens if you cram every skill known to man on a page. Remember that your resumegreat as it might bewill never take the place of the job interview. 

A rule of thumb: If you have fewer than five years of experience, produce a single-page resume. You can go to two pages if you have more than that.
But many prospective employers like to see people encompass the essential skills and experience on a single page. Here’s hoping this has given you a better idea of how to craft an impressive resume and you nail that dream job.

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